State Executive Council Elections
Candidates, Advisers and Voting Delegates should review all information found on this page in order to ensure a successful election process.
2025 SEC Elections Step-by-Step Guide - A comprehensive guide to the election process written for candidates.
2025–2026 State Executive Council / Adviser Handbook - This handbook is full of information essential to the 2025–2026 State Executive Council and their advisers. Elected officers and their advisers are expected to be familiar with the handbook.
2025 State Officer Candidate Application - The SOC application is a combination of releases and support forms and a tool for determining a candidate's eligibility and qualifications. Submit your application to the State Officer Candidate Submission Form by January 19, 2025.
2025 Speech Topic - This speech is delivered to the voting delegates during the Business and Recognition Session at the 2024 State Leadership Conference. As a reminder, this is a two (2) minute, memorized speech.
Speech Topic: "As a state officer, you are tasked with representing the organization to a variety of stakeholders, including students, educators, and elected officials. Describe the impact of the opportunities provided through FCCLA and FCS on preparing the next generation to lead in the workforce."