Adopting the Rules for the 76th Board of Directors, and for other purposes.
Ms. Shaun Rose sponsored the following resolution originating in the Executive Committee.
Whereas, The Chair of the Board of Directors of Arizona Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. presented the following rules, in consultation with the State Staff, to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for adoption; and
Whereas, The Executive Committee reviewed and provided recommendations on the proposed rules; now therefore be it
Resolved, That the Board of Directors of Arizona Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. adopts the following rules for the 76th Board of Directors:
Rule 1. Debate
Recognition of Voting Members
1. (a) On any debatable motion, each voting member of the Board of Directors will be recognized for not more than five minutes to participate in discussion with members being recognized in the order in which they appear in the Bylaws of the organization.
(1) The Clerk of the Board of Directors shall be responsible for tracking the time used by each member of the Board and signaling to the Chair when a member’s time has expired.
(2) Any member may inquire on the time remaining without such time to respond being deducted from the allotted time.
(b) Members who have completed their remarks prior to the expiration of their time may yield the remainder of their time and will not be entitled to recognition once they have done so.
(c) Members who have completed their remarks prior to the expiration of their time, but who may be interested in speaking at a later point in discussion, may reserve the remainder of their time. At which point, the member will be entitled to recognition as many times as their reserved amount of time will allow.
(d) Once all voting members have been recognized, members with reserved time may be recognized in the order in which they seek recognition.
(e) Members whose time has expired may have time yielded to them by another member of the Board who has time reserved.
(f) Members may reclaim their time from any individual they have yielded time to.
(g) Once all time has expired, the question shall be put before the assembly; unless the time for debate is extended by a unanimous consent request with the available time being equally divided between all voting members of the Board unless the request states otherwise.
(h) Members may ask questions to other members of the board, both voting and non-voting, with the time for response counting towards the time allotted to the member asking the question.
(i) When members make a Point of Order, Point of Personal Privilege, Point of Parliamentary Inquiry or other such privileged motion, the time it takes in the ruling of the Chair shall not count towards the allotted time of the member.
2. (a) The original maker of the motion shall be entitled to recognition immediately upon the opening of the floor to discussion, the total time of which may not exceed five minutes; notwithstanding the first clause of this rule.
(b) The original maker of the motion may yield the remainder of their time if they do not wish to speak further in debate.
(c) The original maker of the motion may reserve the remainder of their time if they wish to speak further in debate, but will not be entitled to recognition until all voting members of the Board have been recognized, at which time members will be recognized in the order in which they seek recognition.
3. (a) Any member wishing to make an amendment, or such equivalent motion, to a motion during debate may do so at any time, out of the order prescribed in Rule 1(1)(a); so long as they are recognized by the Chair of the Board of Directors first.
(b) When amendments, or equivalent motions, are proposed, the time for debate shall restart in relation to the amendment pursuant to Rule 1(1)(a).
(c) Upon the consideration of the amendment, or such equivalent motion, the time related to the original motion shall resume as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Clerk.
Previous Question
4. (a) The previous question shall be out of order at all times.
Debate for Members Not Present at a Meeting
5. (a) Any member of the Board that will not be present at a meeting shall notify the Chair of the Board, the State Adviser and the Clerk of the Board in writing at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the start of the meeting.
(b) Members that will not be present at the meeting shall be required to review all meeting documents and send a summary, not to exceed seven-hundred fifty (750) words, of their opinions on each debatable agenda item to the Chair of the Board, the State Adviser and the Clerk of the Board.
(1) Members may indicate in their opinion how they would vote on the agenda item as it reads in its original form; however, the vote of the member shall not be considered when the Chair puts the question for a vote.
(2) Members not present at a meeting shall forfeit their right to debate on any amendments to an agenda item.
(c) The Chair shall recognize the Clerk of the Board of Directors to present the summary on behalf of the absent member(s) in the same order outlined in Rule 1(1)(a).
Rule 2. Resolutions of the Board
1. (a) All resolutions originating in a committee of the Board, either special or standing, shall be introduced by the Chair of the committee the resolution originated in.
(1) If the resolution originates in the Executive Committee, the resolution shall be introduced by any such member as determined by the Committee.
(2) The Chair of the Executive Committee, who is also the Chair of the Board, may not introduce resolutions unless they step down from the Chair for the full duration of the meeting at which time the Chair-Elect shall be the presiding officer.
(b) All resolutions brought before the Board must be sponsored by a voting member of the Board. Such voting member shall be from the committee the resolution originates in.
(1) Sponsors of resolutions will be responsible for explaining the rationale behind the resolution and the impact its adoption would have on the Board of Directors, organization, etc.
(2) Sponsors of resolutions will be the first member recognized in debate, notwithstanding the procedures described in Rule 1(2)(a).
2. (a) Resolutions not originating in a committee of the Board, shall be introduced by the sponsor of the resolution.
(b) The sponsor of the resolution not originating in a committee of the Board shall be recognized as prescribed by the second clause of Rule 1.
3. (a) All resolutions must be signed by the Chair of the Board of Directors and certified by the Secretary of the Board.
(b) Resolutions adopted in committee that only effect the actions of such committee shall be signed by the Chair of the Committee and certified by the Secretary of the Committee.
Proposing a Resolution
4. (a) Any member of a committee of the Board wishing to propose a resolution shall communicate with the Clerk of the Board of Directors to be assigned a resolution number.
(1) The official number for all resolutions shall be assigned as 2021XXX, where XXX is the resolution number, although the 2021 may be omitted for clarity.
(b) A list of all assigned resolution numbers and titles shall be kept by the Clerk of the Board and be accessible to any member of the Board.
(c) Any member needing assistance in drafting a resolution may seek guidance from the Chair of their committee, the Chair of the Board, or the Clerk of the Board.
(d) All resolutions shall be considered drafts and may be revised until proposed in committee or to the Board, as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
(e) Once a resolution is adopted by a committee of the Board, it may not be amended except through an appropriate motion at a meeting of the committee in which the resolution originated or through an appropriate motion at the meeting of the Board in which the resolution is to be considered.
Rule 3. Committees of the Board
Vice Chair
1. (a) At the first meeting of the standing committees of the Board of Directors, the first order of business shall be the nomination and election of a Vice Chair.
(b) The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair of the Committee in the absence of the Chair.
2. (a) The Secretary of all special and standing committees of the Board shall be the Clerk of the Board of Directors.
(b) In the absence of the Secretary of the committee, a formal communication shall be sent to the Chair of the Committee indicating who shall serve as the Secretary Pro-Tempore for the meeting.
(1) The Secretary of the committee shall send a formal communication for each meeting and may not indicate a Secretary Pro-Tempore for multiple meetings within one communication.
Rule 4. Conduct of the Board
Professional Dress
1. (a) All members of the Board of Directors shall dress in business professional attire during in-person meetings of the Board; consistent with the State Leadership Conference dress code prescribed in the Policies & Procedures.
(b) Included with the dress shall be the official FCCLA name badge to be issued during the first meeting of the Board of Directors.
(c) Casual dress shall be permitted during appropriate outings and activities of the Board of Directors as will be communicated by the Chair of the Board.
(d) Members of the Board of Directors shall be permitted to dress in business casual – or other such dress as would be appropriate in the day-to-day activities of the members’ regular profession – during virtual meetings of the Board and its committees.
Participation in Conferences
2. (a) It is the expectation that all members of the Board of Directors attend the annual Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference to provide administrative assistance during the conferences.
(1) Registration for members of the Board shall be discounted by fifty (50) percent of the communicated normal registration price.
(i) Those members of the Board who participate in the State Leadership Conference as exhibitors shall have a booth in the Arizona FCCLA Expo at a discounted rate of fifty (50) percent of the exhibitor package of their selection.
(2) Members of the Board wishing to not attend one of the aforementioned conferences shall seek a waiver of participation from the Chair of the Board.
(b) Any member of the Board of Directors in attendance at the Fall Leadership Conference or State Leadership Conference in the capacity of Board member – that is, in attendance and did not receive a waiver of participation – shall be required to have their Board issued name badge visible, on their person, at all times.
(c) All members of the Board are expected to be exemplary role models both in behavior and dress during the Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference and should dress according to the conference dress code prescribed in the Policies & Procedures.
Resolved, That these rules as adopted shall also serve as the standing rules of each standing, special or ad hoc committee of the Board, where applicable.
Resolved, That should a conflict of parliamentary authority occur, these rules as adopted shall supersede Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
This resolution was approved by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the 76th Board of Directors of Arizona Family, Career and Community Leaders of America on this 11th day of June, 2021.
Shaun Rose
Chair, Board of Directors
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify:
that I am the fully elected and acting Secretary of the 76th Board of Directors of Arizona Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.; and
that the foregoing constitutes a resolution of the 76th Board of Directors, as duly adopted at a meeting of the 76th Board of Directors thereof, held on this 11th day of June, 2021.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this _____th day of ____________________, 20_____.
Alice Goodrick
Secretary, Board of Directors
Resolution Progress
June 11, 2021 | Board of Directors | Adopted
May 11, 2021 | Executive Committee | Passed Committee; Moving to Board of Directors
May 11, 2021 | Executive Committee | Introduced